acre to hectare - UNIT CONVERTER

Converting between different units of area measurement is important when working with land measurements or in agriculture. In this article, we will focus on converting acres to hectares. We'll provide a step-by-step conversion method, practical examples, and address frequently asked questions related to this conversion.

1. Understanding the Conversion: Acre to Hectare

An acre is a unit of area commonly used in the United States and some other countries to measure land area. On the other hand, hectare is a metric unit of area used worldwide, especially in agriculture and land surveying. The conversion factor between acres and hectares is 1 acre = 0.4047 hectares. This means that one acre is equivalent to approximately 0.4047 hectares.

2. Converting Acres to Hectares: Step-by-Step Examples

Let's go through some examples to demonstrate how to convert acres to hectares using the conversion factor mentioned above:

Example 1: Convert 5 acres to hectares.

To convert, multiply the number of acres by the conversion factor:

Hectares = 5 * 0.4047

Hectares = 2.0235

Therefore, 5 acres is equal to 2.0235 hectares.

Example 2: Convert 10 acres to hectares.

Applying the conversion formula:

Hectares = 10 * 0.4047

Hectares = 4.047

Hence, 10 acres is equal to 4.047 hectares.

Example 3: Convert 15 acres to hectares.

Utilizing the conversion formula:

Hectares = 15 * 0.4047

Hectares = 6.0705

Thus, 15 acres is equal to 6.0705 hectares.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is an acre?

A1: An acre is a unit of area commonly used to measure land. It is equal to 43,560 square feet or approximately 4,047 square meters.

Q2: Can I convert hectares back to acres?

A2: Yes, you can convert hectares back to acres by dividing the number of hectares by the conversion factor of 0.4047.

Q3: Are there online tools available for acre to hectare conversion?

A3: Yes, several online unit conversion calculators and tools can perform acre to hectare conversions. These tools require you to enter the value in acres, and they will provide the converted result in hectares.


Q: Are acres and hectares used universally?

A: Acres are predominantly used in the United States and a few other countries. Hectares, being a metric unit, are used worldwide and are the standard unit for land measurement in most countries.

Q: How does the conversion between acres and hectares affect agricultural calculations?

A: Converting between acres and hectares is important in agricultural calculations, such as determining field sizes, crop yields, or land area requirements. It allows for easy comparison and compatibility with international agricultural data and standards.

Q: Can I convert acres directly to other units of area, such as square meters or square feet?

A: Yes, you can convert acres to other units of area, such as square meters or square feet, by multiplying the number of acres by the appropriate conversion factor. For example, 1 acre is equal to 4,046.86 square meters or 43,560 square feet.


Converting acres to hectares is a fundamental conversion in the field of land measurement and agriculture. By utilizing the conversion factor of 1 acre = 0.4047 hectares, you can accurately convert between these two units. It is essential to understand this conversion to work with international data and standards. Online conversion tools are also available for quick and convenient calculations.
