Btu per pound degree Fahrenheit to kilojoule per kilogram kelvin - UNIT CONVERTER

When it comes to measuring heat and temperature, different units are used around the world. In this article, we will focus on converting BTU (British Thermal Units) per pound degree Fahrenheit to kilojoules per kilogram Kelvin. We'll provide an explanation of the units, a step-by-step conversion method, practical examples, and address frequently asked questions related to this conversion.

1. Understanding the Units: BTU per Pound Degree Fahrenheit and Kilojoule per Kilogram Kelvin

BTU per pound degree Fahrenheit is a unit commonly used in the United States to measure specific heat capacity. It represents the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of one pound of a substance by one degree Fahrenheit. On the other hand, kilojoule per kilogram Kelvin is a metric unit used globally to measure specific heat capacity. It represents the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of a substance by one Kelvin.

2. Converting BTU per Pound Degree Fahrenheit to Kilojoule per Kilogram Kelvin: Step-by-Step Conversion

To convert BTU per pound degree Fahrenheit to kilojoule per kilogram Kelvin, we need to use the following conversion factors:

1 BTU per pound degree Fahrenheit = 4.1868 kilojoules per kilogram Kelvin

Now, let's go through some examples to demonstrate how to perform the conversion:

Example 1: Convert 10 BTU per pound degree Fahrenheit to kilojoules per kilogram Kelvin.

To convert, multiply the number of BTU per pound degree Fahrenheit by the conversion factor:

Kilojoules per kilogram Kelvin = 10 * 4.1868

Kilojoules per kilogram Kelvin = 41.868

Therefore, 10 BTU per pound degree Fahrenheit is equal to 41.868 kilojoules per kilogram Kelvin.

Example 2: Convert 20 BTU per pound degree Fahrenheit to kilojoules per kilogram Kelvin.

Applying the conversion formula:

Kilojoules per kilogram Kelvin = 20 * 4.1868

Kilojoules per kilogram Kelvin = 83.736

Hence, 20 BTU per pound degree Fahrenheit is equal to 83.736 kilojoules per kilogram Kelvin.

Example 3: Convert 30 BTU per pound degree Fahrenheit to kilojoules per kilogram Kelvin.

Utilizing the conversion formula:

Kilojoules per kilogram Kelvin = 30 * 4.1868

Kilojoules per kilogram Kelvin = 125.604

Thus, 30 BTU per pound degree Fahrenheit is equal to 125.604 kilojoules per kilogram Kelvin.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is specific heat capacity?

A1: Specific heat capacity is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a given mass of a substance by one degree Celsius or Kelvin.

Q2: Can I convert kilojoules per kilogram Kelvin back to BTU per pound degree Fahrenheit?

A2: Yes, you can convert kilojoules per kilogram Kelvin back to BTU per pound degree Fahrenheit by dividing the number of kilojoules per kilogram Kelvin by the conversion factor of 4.1868.

Q3: Are BTU and kilojoule commonly used units for measuring heat energy?

A3: Yes, BTU is commonly used in the United States and other countries following the imperial system, while kilojoule is a metric unit widely used around the world.

Q4: Can I use online unit converters for this conversion?

A4: Yes, there are several online unit converters available that can convert BTU per pound degree Fahrenheit to kilojoules per kilogram Kelvin. Make sure to choose a reliable converter and double-check the results for accuracy.


Converting BTU per pound degree Fahrenheit to kilojoules per kilogram Kelvin is a useful skill when working with temperature and heat energy measurements. By understanding the conversion factor of 1 BTU per pound degree Fahrenheit = 4.1868 kilojoules per kilogram Kelvin and following the step-by-step conversion method, you can easily perform the conversion for various applications. Remember to use accurate conversion factors and double-check your results to ensure precision in your calculations.
