rps to rpm - UNIT CONVERTER

Revolutions per Second to Revolutions per Minute Unit Converter

If you've ever worked with rotating machinery, you may have come across the terms RPS and RPM. RPS stands for revolutions per second, while RPM stands for revolutions per minute. These terms are used to describe the rotational speed of a machine. RPS and RPM are related, but they are not the same thing. RPM is a more commonly used unit of measurement, but RPS is still important to know, especially when dealing with high-speed machinery.

Fortunately, converting between RPS and RPM is a simple task. There are a few different methods you can use, depending on your preference. In this article, we'll cover two methods for converting RPS to RPM and vice versa.

Method 1: Converting RPS to RPM

To convert RPS to RPM, you can use the following formula:

RPM = RPS x 60

This formula simply multiplies the RPS value by 60 to get the equivalent RPM value. Here's an example:

Example 1: Convert 4 RPS to RPM

RPM = 4 x 60 = 240

So, 4 RPS is equivalent to 240 RPM.

Method 2: Converting RPM to RPS

To convert RPM to RPS, you can use the following formula:

RPS = RPM / 60

This formula divides the RPM value by 60 to get the equivalent RPS value. Here's an example:

Example 2: Convert 120 RPM to RPS

RPS = 120 / 60 = 2

So, 120 RPM is equivalent to 2 RPS.


Converting between RPS and RPM is a simple task that can be done using either of the two methods discussed above. It's important to note that these units of measurement are often used in different industries, so it's important to be familiar with both of them. Whether you're working with high-speed machinery or just trying to convert a measurement for a project, these formulas will come in handy.

500 rpm = 8.33333333 rps
400 rpm = 6.666666664 rps
300 rpm​ = 4.999999998 rps
200 rpm = 3.333333332 rps
100 rpm = 1.666666666 rps

google faq

how many rps is 10 rpm?

answer: 0.1666666666 rps is 10 rpm?

how many rps is 100 rpm?

answer: 1.666666666 rps is 100 rpm?

how many rps is 1000 rpm?

answer: 16.66666666 rps is 1000 rpm?

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answer: 33.33333332 rps is 2000 rpm?

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answer: 49.99999998 rps is 3000 rpm?


20 rps to rpm - results = 1200 rpm,

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