abaqus cae units

1. Introduction

Abaqus CAE is a powerful software used for finite element analysis and simulation. It is essential to establish a consistent unit system to ensure accurate and meaningful results. This article will guide you through the process of understanding and managing unit systems in Abaqus CAE.

2. Importance of Consistent Unit Systems

Maintaining a consistent unit system in Abaqus CAE is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures that the mathematical equations and algorithms within the software produce valid and physically meaningful results. Inconsistent unit systems can lead to incorrect analyses and erroneous interpretations of the simulation outcomes.

Secondly, a consistent unit system allows for effective communication and collaboration within engineering teams. When everyone is working with the same set of units, it facilitates seamless sharing of models, results, and methodologies. It eliminates the confusion and potential errors that may arise when converting between different unit systems.

3. Changing the Unit System in Abaqus CAE

Abaqus CAE provides a simple method to change the unit system through the Units dialog box. To access this dialog box, follow these steps:

Open Abaqus CAE.

Go to the Preferences dialog box.

Click on the Units button in the dialog box.

In the Units dialog box, you will find a drop-down list of unit systems available.

Select the desired unit system from the list.

If none of the predefined unit systems suit your needs, you can specify custom units by entering values in the Length, Mass, and Time fields.

Click OK to apply the changes and close the Units dialog box.

It's important to note that changing the unit system in Abaqus CAE will not affect existing data in your model. However, it will impact the results of any new analyses you perform.

4. Common Unit Systems in Abaqus CAE

Abaqus CAE supports various unit systems, including:

SI (International System of Units)

The SI system is the most widely used unit system in Abaqus CAE. It is based on the meter (length), kilogram (mass), and second (time). The SI system is a metric system that provides a coherent set of units for diverse engineering analyses.

U.S. Customary System

The U.S. customary system is the unit system used in the United States. It employs units such as the foot (length), pound (mass), and second (time). While less common in scientific literature, it remains relevant in specific industries and applications.

Imperial System

The Imperial system is employed in the United Kingdom and some other countries. It utilizes units like the yard (length), pound (mass), and second (time). Although similar to the U.S. customary system, it has some variations in unit sizes.

5. Factors to Consider when Choosing a Unit System

When selecting a unit system for your Abaqus CAE model, several factors should be considered:

Analysis Type

Different types of analyses have varying sensitivities to unit systems. For example, structural analysis may be more sensitive to unit choices compared to thermal analysis. Understanding the nature of your analysis will help in selecting the most appropriate unit system.

Data Consistency

If you are importing data from external sources, such as experimental results or CAD models, ensure that the units used in the imported data are consistent with the unit system you plan to employ in Abaqus CAE. Inconsistent units can lead to errors and misinterpretations of results.

Result Comparisons

If you intend to compare your simulation results with published results or industry standards, it is crucial to adopt the same unit system. Consistency in units facilitates accurate comparisons and meaningful discussions within the engineering community.

6. Conclusion

Understanding and managing unit systems in Abaqus CAE are essential for accurate and reliable simulation results. By employing a consistent unit system throughout your model and analyses, you ensure the validity of your results and enhance collaboration within your engineering team. Remember to consider the type of analysis, data consistency, and result comparisons when selecting a unit system for your model. With this knowledge, you can harness the full potential of Abaqus CAE and achieve more accurate simulations.


Q1: Can I change the unit system in Abaqus CAE after performing an analysis?

Yes, you can change the unit system in Abaqus CAE at any time. However, please note that changing the unit system will only affect new analyses. Previously obtained results will remain unaffected.

Q2: What happens if I use inconsistent units within my Abaqus CAE model?

Using inconsistent units in your Abaqus CAE model can lead to incorrect results and misinterpretation of the simulation outcomes. It is crucial to ensure that all units within the model are compatible and consistent.

Q3: Can I create a custom unit system in Abaqus CAE?

Yes, Abaqus CAE allows you to specify custom units by entering values in the Length, Mass, and Time fields of the Units dialog box. This flexibility enables you to work with unique unit systems if required.

Q4: Are there any limitations when converting between different unit systems in Abaqus CAE?

When converting between unit systems in Abaqus CAE, it is essential to consider the conversion factors accurately. Improper conversions can introduce errors and affect the accuracy of your simulations.

Q5: Can I define units other than length, mass, and time in Abaqus CAE?

Abaqus CAE primarily focuses on length, mass, and time units. While other quantities can be defined and used in your model, it is important to ensure they are derived from these primary units.
