abaqus single point incremental forming square pyramid shape (spif)

abaqus single point incremental forming square pyramid shape

abaqus 3d experience

matlab code for single point incremental forming square pyramid shape

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dh=0.01; %step depth used

a=45; %angle of inclination of the pyramid

h=25; %Depth of the pyramid

L=100; W=100;

X=L/2; Y=W/2;

R1=sqrt(X^2+Y^2); %diagonal length

N=h/dh; %Number of loops or contour


for n=0:90:360*N %dividing one contour into 360 angles


R=R1-(((dh/360)*n)/tand(a)); %diagonal at any intermediate depth





plot3(x,y,z,'b') %3D visualization of helix

pay 100 Rs for matlab coordinates excel sheet download click here

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pay 100 Rs for spif cae file download click here

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pay 100 Rs for spif step by step tutorial video click here
